Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Old Labour vs New

Go and have another look at the Liberal Conspiracy Alice Mahon discussion. Brew a nice cup of tea or coffee. Settle down. Enjoy.

There really is nothing like an argument between lefties. Rats in a sack are rank amateurs by comparison...


  1. Ok. I read the comments.
    You are a scurrilous stirrer Patently.
    Telling the hard left to join the soft Lib Dems. Are you trying to get them to create a sort of 1930's socialist cartel des gauches, and so engage in continuous infighting and out of power for ever?

    It does seem to be a badly written and researched piece you link to. In typical New Labour minister fashion the author:

    Insists that the evidence is overwhelming.
    Cannot admit a mistake has been made.
    smears opponents of the article.
    tries a distraction tactic 'class.'
    would never consider making an apology.
    Insists they have done nothing wrong.

    Fully expect a statement to appear on there soon blaming Guido Fawkes.

  2. Stirrer? Moi? Surely not??

    It's not exactly difficult. All lefties descend into vicious infighting over the slightest provocation. It has always been thus.

    >> engage in continuous infighting
    >> and out of power for ever?

    Oh, that would be a shame, wouldn't it ;-)

  3. "Rats in a sack are rank amateurs by comparison..." How beautifully expressed.
