Friday, 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas to you all

...and sincere thanks for visiting, and for commenting.  I've enjoyed the debates, and the arguments, and the banter.  I hope you all have a good Christmas, and that you all remember why.

No music on offer this year, as some of you get a little over-excited ;-)  You can have some recommended reading, though.


  1. A very happy Christmas to you too. May all your drinks be large ones.

  2. Happy Christmas, P. I very much enjoy your blog.

    Happy Christmas too to the others, especially Albert. :-)

  3. Happy Christmas to all on the Patently Estate.

  4. A Merry Christmas to all, especially measured. Apologies for it being belated. Good job Christmas lasts for twelve days!

  5. And a happy Feast of the Epiphany, to those celebrating it today/tomorrow.
