Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Wake up, Jacqui

I strongly recommend that you go and read the Politics News on page 19 of today’s Times.

The top half of the page is a report of what is, in effect, a rant by Jacqui Smith in which she accuses Cameron and Grieve of being unfit for high office as, in her opinion, they take the view that the leaking of Government material was not serious provided it did not affect national security.

The bottom half of the page is a report on what is going to appear in the Queen’s Speech. A report of the, as yet unannounced, Government material relating to its plans for the next legislative session.

A while ago, I posted that the PBR contents were, strangely, being reported before being announced to the Commons. Blue Eyes spotted that, too.

Tough on hypocrisy, tough on the causes of hypocrisy?


  1. Goose, sauce and gander are the words that spring to mind.

  2. Hi there - welcome!

    I love the idea of someone to read all the smallprint. We need more of you!
