Monday, 8 August 2011

Solve the Riots with More Spending....

Perhaps the recent riots are indeed caused by insufficient public spending. Blue Eyes has the prescription:
the only additional public funding which should result from this latest example of Britain’s total lack of institutional organisation should be channelled towards building prisons, beefing up the courts and getting the police out of their offices and onto the streets. Anything else is just a sop to the criminals.
Yep, that should do it.


  1. Well the BBC are trying to spin it as poverty related, but then they would.
    According to the reports of the first riots the crowd looted PC World and, from memory, JJB sports.
    If you were in abject poverty, would your top 2 needs be for replica football shirts and games consoles?
    No, me neither.

  2. Add to that Adidas, Argos and Jessops - it's probably only a matter of time untilo some woolly liberal suggests supplying 'da yoof' with consumer goods to forestall future riots.

  3. Thanks for your support chaps.

    I'm wishing I could be there to help - waiting for the call to do so.

    Mind how you go.

  4. Sadly, I can see this blog title coming true as soon as iDave starts that COBRA meeting...

  5. Alex & Macheath... quite. People suffering from abject poverty don't use their Blackberry to organise a night out nicking some new trainers.

    HC - if you get the call, do keep safe.

    Julia - I guess we'll soon see what he's actually made of.

  6. We have been asked to come in if we can. All hands to the pump!

  7. ..but don't you see ? A lack of youth clubs, ping-pong tables and opportunities are clearly credible reasons for looting your local Ladbrooke's, burning down Gregg the Bakers or (incredibly) smashing up your local organic health food cafe ?

    Smash the..erm...state.

    Mind how you go.


  8. SC - Keep safe, best wishes.

    HC - quite…
