Sunday, 4 December 2011

21 Shopping Days left

Mrs P found this book, which we're working through this year.  It has some interesting quips and insights.

I'v always loved, for instance, the story of the MP who took a call from the local newspaper editor asking what he would like for Christmas.  Somewhat flattered, but not wanting to seem too greedy, he commented that John Lewis has some excellent hampers in stock this year. And so the article ran: "We asked leading figures what they wanted for Christmas.  The Archbishop of Canterbury said he wanted an end to the violence in Iraq.  The Dalai Lama said he wanted peace in the Middle East.  The Pope said he wanted an end to poverty.  Your local MP said he would like a hamper from John Lewis".

Today's page, however, points to the real story of Christmas.  It has reminded me that what actually happened was that a teenage Mum, pregnant outside marriage, almost abandoned but wonderfully supported by her fiancé, is forced to travel a huge distance (by the standards of the time) in order to conform to the tax regulations of an occupying foreign power.  When she arrives, there is nowhere for the child to be born so she ends up giving birth in a cowshed behind a pub, with no midwife, no gas & air, no clean sheets, and no epidural.

There is a message there.  Christmas is not about getting everything right.  It's not about getting the decorations just perfect.  It's not about getting every last present spot on so as to provoke squeals of delight.  It's about coping with whatever circumstance happens to have thrown at you that year, fitting around that, and remembering what is important - keeping the family together.  Do that, and you can allow something wonderful to come out of it, not make something wonderful happen.

So if the roast parsnips don't turn out quite right, don't worry about it!

Mind you, that hamper does look nice...


  1. A pity your Christmas story is full of factual errors not according to the gospels I agree. However according to more reliable evidence it is mainly there was no long journey involved not for the reasons given at least. Still for all that Christmas does have it's up side. So merry Christmas to you.

  2. Oh yes, I forgot - every good Christmas needs a good argument! :o)

  3. However according to more reliable evidence it is mainly there was no long journey involved not for the reasons given at least.

    Which "more reliable evidence"?

  4. Albert, you are not going on about self evident truths again?

  5. Measured. No. When have I gone on about self evident truths?

  6. Where's the proof of the proof then? :-p

  7. It's in the Christmas pudding, M.

  8. What on earth are you talking about?

  9. It is not my fault you can't keep up.

  10. :-p

    Sssh.... we mustn't wake up the dormouse.
