Thursday, 18 September 2008

With friends like these....

So, at last, Labour's heavyweights have been persuaded to wade in to support Gordon. To show that the Cabinet is united behind him. To show that we do actually have a Government. Heavyweights in the form of .....

John Prescott

Oh please. Is that really the best Gordon can muster? An ex-Cabinet Minister renowned for his inability to construct a coherent sentence, let alone a coherent argument. Frankly, his performance on the Today programme was pathetic - riddled with assumptions, factual inaccuracies, and non-sequitors covered with a thin veneer of arrogance and naked irritation. A typical Prescott interview, in fact.

Tick, tick ...


  1. Yes! I heard it and couldn't believe my ears! Prescott, the man who spent his whole time trying to stop Gordon getting his hands on power trying to tell us how none of this was Gordon's fault. There was an element of truth in there: he said that Gordon had taken a good look at the banks' regulation while he was chancellor.....

  2. "If I can just affirm, since 1997, or even 1994 if you like, John Smith, and then further, well, later anyway, became, I mean to say, lets be clear, Gordon Brown was the best placed Prime Minister, and Chancellor since Harold Wilson..Not that Wilson was bad, indeed not. Anyway, In these times of erm, Coming from America, global tidal flow, well then, it stands to reason, and lets be clear, in the 1980's there were lots of naysayers, and anyway, Tony Blair recognised the extraordinary qualities that Gordon bought to the erm, desk. Well, then again, lets be aware this is not a crisis. If you lose a pen that doesn't make you a thief, do it? I remember when Clemment Atlee faced Herbert Morrison over reforming the gold standard and he said.. erm best placed to enter the storm, stability and erm...etc.

  3. Wonderful, Bill. It could be John himself...
